How One Company Stabilized Their Network
in 2 weeks

Medicine for a Bad Internet Experience

s2s only needed 2 weeks to implement the cure

The following represents the timeline of how now customer, The Intelligent Office (TIO) in Marlton, NJ, fixed and improved their network with the help of s2s.

In Short

TIO, a lovely coworking space that also offers virtual office solutions, had an internet connectivity issue. Their tenants were getting frustrated. 
Within 13 business days, s2s deployed a new network, solved the connectivity issue and restored happiness within the tenant population.


The Timeline

Wed 4/11:
A former s2s employee, now tenant at TIO, referred s2s due to issues with connectivity. 


Thurs 4/12:
s2s met with TIO and provided a complimentary consultation about their network.


Fri 4/13:
An s2s engineer visited TIO to perform an initial audit of the network.

The internet connection was performing fine but the network appliances appeared to be the issue. (ie. old firewall and non-enterprise grade access points)


Tues 4/17:
s2s provided a quote for a network refresh, and because they didn\'t have IT personnel on location, also suggested the s2s managed services.

Managed Service means that s2s takes care of the network, which includes 24x7x365 proactive monitoring and management of the internet connection and the network devices.


Thurs 4/19:
The contract was signed for the Network Refresh as well as the suggested Managed Services. Project began and devices were ordered.


Tues 4/24:
Devices were configured and tested by s2s. Installation was scheduled for Thurs 4/26.


Thurs 4/26:
Devices were installed.


Fri 4/27:
TIO was up and running on the new network.

With the new network in place, complaints from tenants were replaced with compliments about the speed of the connection.


All in all, it was a great 2 weeks for s2s and TIO.


Are you looking for an affordable co-working space that also offers live receptionist services, meeting space, mail services and more? For more information visit:
The Intelligent Office - A Coworking Space in NJ

Get a free Internet Audit

At s2s, we love giving customers the internet experience they've always dreamed of. If you're a business and would like to partner with s2s to improve your network AND keep your internet up and running, please contact us using this form. We'll get back to you and set up the complimentary consultation.

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