Monitor & Alert
Get notified before problems happen
Your business relies on internet. That\'s why you need to know as soon as it goes down. s2s monitors your connections 24x7x365 and alerts you immediately when the internet goes down. If a power cycle of the modem does not restore service, s2s works relentlessly to get your service back up and running as soon as possible. Our team provides you status notifications the entire way until the issue is resolved. You are always in the know and our team is solely focused on reducing downtime and restoring your service.
Case Study
Quick Service Restaurant (QSR)
- Busy lunch rush which CANNOT tolerate downtime.
- Needed Managed Service Provider (MSP) who provides and monitors both the primary and backup internet.
- With cellular as the cost-efffective backup internet connection, needed a MSP who provides pooled data plans and monitors data usage
s2s Solutions
24x7x365 internet service experts restore service ASAP if it goes down.
Outage notifications and dashboard providing status of all issues being worked.
"The S2S folks are fantastic to work with! The team is bright, effective & understanding to my companies' needs"
" As a technology company, they provide a now rare (for these days) human touch...and never take a "not our problem" attitude even if that is the case."
"s2s came to us when we were beyond frustrated with what was then our current provider. s2s took charge, got up to speed and completed our projects that had been waiting for months previously."
"While we may not be a very large client for you, we appreciate s2s more than you may know. I am one of the grateful users of your service, from my home office. The reliability and service we get from s2s is excellent. We use this \"connect from home office like you are IN the office\" as a way to attract and retain talent. It is one of the things our business management team ranks \"very high\" as a reason to work at SPI."
Contact s2s
We would love to hear about your project and discuss how we can help. Please fill out this form to schedule a call with one of our consultants.